Sabtu, 26 November 2016

Hope the next 10 years

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my blog. Right at the age of even my 18 years I think it's old enough in this world, I'm here can't live without the help of other people, especially parents and my family because here we're human. From the beginning I was born until now definitely need the help of other people, at the beginning of my education in kindergarten when I wasn't good at reading written there's a teacher to teach me without knowing how naughty little boy. And until I was 11 years in junior high school there I started to pursue the hobby of mine, which are volleyball until now, don't forget there's been a lot of failure that I've learned from volleyball, and there are many success that I've learned from failures and mistakes that I can correct in which the lack of and lack of me, but every time I'm always trying to make the mistake I didn't repeat and as a lesson in life. I also realized that I can get today because my spirits and especially the support from my mother and father, but they maybe I can't do right now. I hope for the future, especially the next 10 years in tops the achievements of the volleyball and my academic. At your age to next time I was 28 years hope to still be together both parents and my family, because that's when I'm sure is already a success and happy mother and father, I hope can be useful for someone. Thankyou

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